
2023年8月16日—Atthemoment,WhatTheFontandFindMyFontarethemostpopular.Toidentifyadesiredfont,simplyopentheappandpointthecameraatthe ...,2018年5月20日—YousimplyclicktheVisualInspectoriconintheChromemenutoactivatethetool,thenheadovertotheTypographysectioninthedropdown.,2023年3月16日—SelectInspector(Firefox)orComputed(Chrome)inthenewbottomwindowsandscrolldownontherightuntilyoureachFontorfont-size.I...

4 Quick Ways to Identify Fonts Used on Websites

2023年8月16日 — At the moment, WhatTheFont and Find My Font are the most popular. To identify a desired font, simply open the app and point the camera at the ...

5 ways to Identify Fonts in a Web Page

2018年5月20日 — You simply click the Visual Inspector icon in the Chrome menu to activate the tool, then head over to the Typography section in the dropdown.

How to Check the Font Size & Face on a Website

2023年3月16日 — Select Inspector (Firefox) or Computed (Chrome) in the new bottom windows and scroll down on the right until you reach Font or font-size. It ...

How to Find Fonts From Any Website or Logo

If you're code-savvy, you can always scour a website's code for their fonts. Just right click on a page, select INSPECT, and use your cursor to scroll over the ...

How to Identify Fonts on the Web

Go to the website that you want to find out the font and click on the WhatFont extension. Hover over the web page and start to discover the fonts being used!

How to See What Font a Website Is Using

First, right-click on the webpage containing the font you want to find. From the resulting menu, select Inspect: If you'd rather use a keyboard shortcut, try Ctrl+Shift+I for Windows or Linux. If you're using a Mac, the equivalent is Cmd+Shift+I.

How to See What Fonts a Website is Using

2021年9月22日 — All you have to do is install a browser extension and, a few clicks later, you'll know valuable details about a website's fonts.

WhatFont - Chrome Web Store

The easiest way to identify fonts on web pages. Say goodbye to the complexity of developer tools for identifying fonts.

WhatTheFont Font Finder

Identify fonts with our font finder tool using an image or photo. Upload an image, and we'll search our collection of over 133000 fonts for the best match.


